As the number of exchange-traded funds available to Canadian investors grows, deciding which ones best fit your portfolio gets more complicated. This year, we have a new series to help investors sort through the choices. We’ve screened the largest Morningstar fund categories for the ETFs our manager research analysts believe have the best chance of outperforming their competitors over the long term.
Most recently, we’ve screened for the best global stock ETFs, the best balanced ETFs, and the best bond ETFs. We’re also highlighting our monthly ETF performance screens, which look at how the most widely held ETFs are doing, along with the best- and worst-performing ETFs.
Best ETFs
Best Global Stock ETFs for Canadian Investors
Funds from iShares and Vanguard dominate the list.
Best Balanced ETFs for Canadian Investors
Two fund series from BMO and Vanguard lead the pack.
Best Bond ETFs for Canadian Investors
Index ETFs from BMO, Vanguard, and iShares are among the top-rated strategies.
Vanguard and iShares dominate the list of the top ETFs for investing in Canadian stocks.
Monthly Recaps of Canadian ETF Performance
The Worst-Performing Canadian ETFs
How the Largest Canadian ETFs Performed in February
More ETF Coverage
US Growth Stock ETFs Slammed as Market Turns Lower
Small- and mid-cap growth stock ETFs were hit the hardest.
With Yields Down, Where Can ETF Investors Turn for Income?
As the Bank of Canada has cut interest rates, yield investing has become more complicated.
3 Great US Growth ETFs for 2025
These funds take a solid approach to growth investing.
Why iShares Core S&P 500 ETF Is a Stellar Stock Fund
Razor-thin fees and a broad reach make this fund shine.
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