Mid-Year Market Wrap-up; Enterprise Group’s SURGE!
This coming week we’ll be gearing up in a bit more earnest to navigate the back half of 2024, now that the early Summer Canada Day/Independence Day holidays are past. It’s time for our Mid-year Market Wrap Up!
Between the growing challenges facing the Fed as it seeks to avoid both the laws of mathematics and its own history to stick that “soft landing”…and the moving target that is the upcoming election and what that might give us…there will be few dull moments!
To give you both a recap of sorts for the first half and–more so–a rough road map for the rest of the year, I wanted to pass along the main commentary of my new Mid-year Issue just going out.
CLICK HERE for your own downloadable free copy.
There’s a LOT of meat here, along with numerous links.
(NOTE: Just following this our current Members will receive the full issue, including numerous ETF, sector and company updates/guidance.)
RIGHT HERE is a fresh update with my long-time friend Des O’Kell, the Co-Founder and President of Enterprise Group, Inc. (TSX-E; OTCQB-ETOLF).
Emerging a few years ago–and with ever-increasing vigor, not to mention increasing revenue and earnings–from the long bear market which hit Canadian energy especially hard, Enterprise has been firing on all cylinders.
And when you listen to our discussion, you’ll get a good understanding of two things:
First, why Enterprise has enjoyed the enviable chart you see below, AND
Secondly, why substantial further growth is in store even from here.

That concludes our market wrap up. Have a great rest of your weekend!
All the best,
Chris Temple
July 6, 2024
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